First and Last Name
What is your zip code? How far are you willing to travel for a client?
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what drew you to this work.
We're currently hiring for these positions - let us know if any interest you:
3-5 day doula visits in North Denver and/or Boulder
3-5 day doula visits in Denver
2+ overnight visits (doula or night nanny) all across the front range (Longmont to Centennial)
None of the above exactly work but something similar might - let's talk!
What types of visits or services do you provide? (days, overnights, IBCLC visits, cooking, massage, birth doula, sibling doula, etc)
Which doula training program did you do? When did you do it? (If you're applying for another specialty, please provide background on your training and expertise.)
Are you a Certified Doula? (Ie. can you work with families with Carrot benefits?)
How long have you been a postpartum doula (or other specialist)?
Roughly how many shifts (if postpartum doula shifts, please specify days and/or overnights) do you have available per week to work?
Do you have any additional skillsets that are applicable to working with this population? (lactation training, massage therapy training, etc.)
Do you have additional experience with newborns or new mothers? (ie. nannying)
Are you a smoker?
Are you currently on call for clients in your private practice (birth doula, sibling doula, etc)?
Do you speak any languages other than English?
How did you hear about us?
Thank you for your application and welcome to the Sanctuary Family! As of early February 2024, we’re pausing hiring of most roles. However, please fill out our application because that could change at any point and when it does, we’ll be in touch!